Rockfest Day 11 - Blind Man's Bluff
“Tag, you’re it!” That is the point of Blind Man’s Bluff, a children’s game I spent hours playing with the kids in the neighborhood growing up. One of us was wearing a blindfold chasing the others in a game of tag while the others shouted things bluffing about their location. A sort of Marco-Polo on dry land.
Being “it” was terrible. You had to wear the blindfold and fumble around with arms outstretched groping for people. You felt completely foolish. People could sneak up on you and poke you or say “not it” right in your ear and run away before you had time to whirl around and tag them. Unless you had goods ears, quick hands and the tracking abilities of an Indian, you could be “it” for a long time. Being the “it-girl” in Hollywood is good, being the “it-girl” in tag is bad.
I am so glad I no longer have to play that stupid game. Which is why I do not understand why I continue to play it.
It seems as if I find myself wearing that darn blindfold every few days or so. I try not to play but I get lured into a game. It usually starts with the bluffs. I hear whispered in my ear things like – you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, it will never work, your dreams will never come true, you’ll be alone forever, it’s all your fault, things will never change. As soon as I hear those whispers that blindfold is on and I am playing the game.
A game I do not want to and should not be playing.
The enemy loves it when I listen to his bluffs and accept his invitation to play. He knows that as long as I chase him with my blindfold on he can shout lies in my ear all day long and I will never catch him and I will remain “it.”
The thing about the bluffs the enemy whispers in my ear is that is exactly what they are – bluffs. Not a thing I hear in my head is true. I am good enough, I am smart enough, it is working, my dreams are coming true, I am not alone, it is not my fault, things are changing. What I have to do is call the enemy on his bluffs.
When you call someone on their bluffs they generally fold like a house of cards. He tried to bluff Jesus. Three times the enemy tried to convince Jesus He was not the Son of God and three times Jesus refused to take the bait and put on the blindfold. Jesus called him on his bluffs. Each time Jesus referred to His Father, to the truth, and each time the enemy backed down and eventually gave up altogether. (Matt. 4:1-11).
When I hear that old familiar whisper begin in my ear instead of reaching for my blindfold I need to do the same thing and call the thief on his lies. This game of blind man’s bluff isn’t just a game of tag, this game has me as its prize. At stake are my peace and joy and future. And I don’t put those at risk for anybody, I don’t care how sweet your lies are.
So I am retiring from blind man’s bluff. Next time I find myself being the “it-girl” it will be without the blindfold. Hollywood may never be the same.
i don't mind those whispers. they make me angry. and when i direct anger, i'm sitting on a source of power like few others.
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